Partner and Spouse Visa Types in Australia

When you come to Australia, several visa types are available for partners and spouses of Australian citizens or permanent residents. It is important to understand the different types of visas to ensure that you are applying for the one which best suits your circumstances. This article will provide an overview of the various partner and spouse visa Australia, including eligibility requirements, fees, processing times, and other key information.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for a Partner and Spouse Visa, an applicant must satisfy certain conditions related to their relationship status. Additionally, to apply for a partner visa, both parties must be over 18 years old and demonstrate that their relationship is genuine and ongoing.

For those applying for a spouse visa, additional requirements such as financial stability and language proficiency must also be satisfied before the application can be granted.

Application Process

While the process may seem complicated, understanding the different types of visas available and taking steps to ensure you meet all requirements will help make the application process smoother.

In order to be eligible for either of these visas, you must have been sponsored by your Australian citizen or permanent resident partner. Additionally, it is important that you can prove your relationship meets certain criteria – this includes evidence such as financial records, joint bank accounts, and photos documenting shared life together.

Benefits of Partner and Spouse Visas

One of the main advantages of applying for a partner or spouse visa is that it grants permission to work in Australia. It means that both partners can pursue employment opportunities without restrictions, allowing them to advance their careers while living together in Australia. Additionally, this visa type enables both parties to access medical care and government services such as education and housing support programs.

Another benefit associated with a partner and spousal visas is that they provide an opportunity for family reunification.

Costs Associated with Partner and Spouse Visas

Partner and Spouse Visas are essential for those looking to move to Australia with their significant other. To secure a visa, couples must understand the different types of visas available and the costs associated with each one.

The most common partner and spouse visa type is the Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300). This temporary visa allows an individual from overseas to travel to Australia to marry their partner. The cost of this visa is $7,160. Additionally, applicants may pay additional fees if they use a migration agent or require medical examinations.


As the article Partner and Spouse Visa Australia have highlighted, many different visa types are available to those seeking to join their partner or spouse in Australia. The type of visa required depends on whether your partner or spouse is a permanent resident of Australia.

The most commonly applied visa type is the Prospective Marriage (subclass 300) visa, specifically designed for those entering into a marriage with an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen. This visa allows couples to enter into a legal marriage and reside in Australia until a decision is made on their application for permanent residency.
