Every seller aims to make the best gain when they sell something. Buyers always look for the lowest possible rate. When you plan to sell your old car, it is not easy to determine its price. There are factors that affect the price of an old car.
Operational status
One of the things that buyers first check is whether the car is operational or not. It plays a vital role in the total price offer. A non-operational car will need transportation. Most buyers do not want to shoulder this extra cost. No matter how old a car is, you will get a higher price if it is running.
Vehicle age
Some old cars still look pretty good. Their owners can have plenty of reasons for selling them, such as a plan to buy a newer model. The physical appearance of a car cannot outweigh its age when it comes to determining its price. Parts of older cars are sometimes obsolete and have no market value. Some buyers prefer car models with parts that are in high demand so they can still sell them.
Vehicle condition
Although the age of the vehicle means more than its looks, the condition of the vehicle still plays a role in determining its total price. An old vehicle that looks pretty decent will mean more money for the seller. Some sellers even try to make their old car look better before selling it. The price of making it look great is so small compared to the amount the seller can gain from it.
There are plenty of websites that offer to give you a scrap car quote. You can get an estimated price for your old car in a couple of quick steps. Most of these websites will ask you to provide the registration number of your car. You also have to state your location and they will give you the information you want.